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Bring Your Vision into 2020

2020: A New Year and A New You!

A huge percent of New Year Goals fail simply because we all want huge changes, such as “I will work out one hour a day and lose 50 pounds and…!” But here’s a little secret: It can be far more effective (and easier!) if instead you commit to make a few small goals with steps that are fast and easy to incorporate into your life style. If you do this, by the end of the year you’ll notice that cumulatively those few small achieved goals collectively made a huge positive change in your life, brought your vision for the year into greater focus and that’s a promise!

To make those small goals that add up to serious long-term change, consider adding some built-in support - you don’t have to go at it all alone! Accountability partners can go a long way to help you stay focused, on-track and help to ensure success. Contact me for help if you want to, or need to, but here in this blog I offer some suggestions of practical, little goals to pick and choose from, or choose one of your own, but keep in mind that the real trick is to make them Clear, Specific, and Easy To Do! Far too many people make goals that are huge or too time consuming and then bash themselves for not having kept up with their “good intentions”. My advice is to avoid making huge goals, and instead make a series of small changes with steps that are clear, specific, quick and easy to do! That’s when the real magic happens!

Here are a few of my suggestions and instructions to get your juices flowing and get you started in this “New Year New You!”

1.) Take 5 Super Aware Breaths
Yep, that’s specific, it doesn’t take long so this is do-able…and now let’s get clear on how to do it! Sit up straight (but not rigid) in a chair or cross legged or even lying down. Close your eyes and turn your focus inward. Inhale as long, slow, and deeply as possible. Feel your breath as it opens and expands different parts of the torso. Exhale as long, slow, and deeply as possible. Feel your body contracting as the air is being released. There are no rules about mindful breathing You can do this once a day or as many times as you’re drawn to. You can do 5 breaths or even more.

SACHISAYS: This is a mini-meditation, a break in your day, and a mini-de-stressor- all rolled into one complete package, so take your time and ENJOY the fruits you will certainly feel from this practice.

2.) Start A Gratitude Journal
Each day, find a time that works for you to take a minute to write down 3 things you are grateful for in a private journal or notebook. Whether you do this in the morning or in the evening before sleep, you’ll be immersed in the powerfully delicious and transformational vibration of gratitude. Each entry can be short- (doesn’t even need to be a full sentence). Or you can write as much as you feel like for any of them. But don’t write the same thing twice. For example, you can say, ‘my child’ only once, then focus on specific aspects of that child you’re grateful for - their smile, thoughtfulness etc.

SACHISAYS: This works unconsciously to keep you scouting out new things to notice that you are thankful for, and energetically will help attract more things to keep you in that like-vibration. Plus it really opens you to see, think and look for positives throughout the day to include in your journal.

3.) Schedule A Weekly Treat In Your Planner / Calendar
What’s a treat to you? Ideas are infinite, and this can be something costly or free. The really important part is that it feels like a treat to you, it's doable and that you schedule it! Consider changing it up to keep things fresh and exciting: one week this can be a massage, another week lunch with a friend, another week trying a new coffee shop, or even a walk in a new area you’ve never been, in the woods alone to ponder, or a bike ride with a buddy. 

SACHISAYS: This gives you something to look forward to and helps get you through the lesser times in the week. It’s also a de-stressor, and strengthens your self-care / self-love muscle. The scheduling aspect confirms and cements in visually that YOU are important!

4.) Exercise 10 or 15 Minutes a Day
Anyone can find time to exercise 10 or 15 minutes a day, and especially if it’s fun! This does not have to be anything classically considered exercise. Copy a cat and do stretches, or walk or ride a bike instead of jumping in the car. Turn on some disco and really have a blast moving and shaking! Or, get creative while you’re watching TV and dance during commercials. The important thing is that during your “exercise” time, enjoy yourself and have fun! 

SACHISAYS: Ancient wisdom states that all illness begins with stagnation. You see how water that doesn’t flow and is stagnant becomes an iceberg. So move your body!

5.) Visit a Friend or Invite a Friend to Visit Your Home at Least Every 6 Months
This is not only for short or long distance friends, but why not even if you live in the same town! Hey, we’re never too old for a PJ party! And this works whether with girl friends, guy friends or couples. It also works well as a joint vacation. As the saying goes, “Friends are the family you choose.” Make it easy! Long or short, a full day, overnighter or weekend will be perfect to connect, support one another and have some fun!

SACHISAYS: This is a fun thing to make plans for and look forward to! Plus being with friends is great nourishment for the soul!

6.) Start Every Day with 8 oz (or more) of Pure Water, or better yet, Pure Water with a 1/2 lemon squeezed in it!

When you wake up, your body is thirsty and needs hydration, not coffee or tea, first thing in the morning after those hours of sleep! So start off by hydrating it. It will perform better, and that’s a promise!

SACHISAYS: I don’t like to drink with ‘morning mouth’, so I gargle with hydrogen peroxide first and rinse with water, then drink my hydrating water with a big smile. What a way to start the day!

So there are some Small, Clear, Specific, Quick and Easy ideas that can Create a Big Change for a Healthier, Happier You! Keep up the good work. I am rooting for you!

Love Light Wisdom and Clear Vision in 2020 and Beyond,