Personalized Prescription Program

Personalized Prescription Program


This unique, comprehensive program includes everything you need to balance spirit-mind-body. Dr. Sachi incorporates acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, lifestyle, nutritional and spiritual counseling and cleansing/detoxing to treat all your health concerns and maintain vibrant health. By signing up for the Personalized Perscription Program you get at a reduced fee, a total of eight hours to use within a period of up to six months. Once inscribed, you book your appointment and choose what you feel you need most, or are drawn to. Of course you may always consult with Sachi to help you choose. Either way the choice is yours.

With needs, wants and goals clearly defined, Sachi customizes a plan and program that includes Acupuncture, Food, Exercise, Detox, Spirituality, Relaxation, and De-stressing addressing each individual’s specific needs. All plans are customized, with emphasis placed where it needs to be.

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